Topic: 7 Secrets You Need to Know to Protect Your Home, Your Assets, and Your Family From the Costs of Long Term Care
One of the biggest fears that many people have today is the fear of having their life savings wiped out
if they end up in a nursing home. What a shame to see someone’s life savings of 30, 40 or 50 years
wiped out in a matter of months. Whether you or a family member is in crisis or not, it is important
that you understand what you can do to protect your hard-earned assets!
- How to protect your home and assets from the costs of long-term care
- Costly misconceptions about planning for your senior years
- Help protect you and your family from being wiped out by nursing care bills
- How the new law restricts the protection of assets and the steps you should take now to protect your loved ones
- Alternative ways to plan for long-term care, other than Medicaid
- Veteran’s benefits that most people know nothing about
- How to plan your estate if you become physically or mentally incapacitated
Current Calendar for 7 Secrets You Need to Know
Tuesday, August 20th at 2:00 PM- IN-PERSON at Our Virginia Beach Office
Topic: Plan Now to Protect Your Loved Ones: Discover the Secrets You Need to Know When Creating Your Estate Plan
If you're a homeowner over age 50...
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Losing Your Hard-Earned Assets to the Government, Attorneys, The IRS, and In-Laws!
- Protect your family from losing their inheritance to greedy in-laws, divorce, lawsuits, creditors, and government claims!
- Help protect you and your family from being wiped out by nursing care bills.
- Put your loved ones' inheritance to good use- like pursuing higher education, starting a career or business, or buying a house- rather than allow them to squander it!
- Protect your valuable IRAs (and retirement plans) so they may later provide much-needed retirement income for your loved ones.
- Assure that the person you've chosen to handle your affairs won't have to go to Court and face unnecessary delays and fees!
- Why Wills don’t protect assets from nursing home costs and how certain
- trusts can provide powerful asset protection.
- Alternative ways to plan for long-term care, other than Medicaid.
Current Calendar for Plan Now to Protect Your Loved Ones:
Wednesday, August 28th at 2:00 PM - IN-PERSON at Our Virginia Beach Office